Thursday, December 16

Idea Box {Kindergarten Science}

For a final exam assignment (visual & performing arts class), I had to create 12 idea boxes for 4 different grade levels that and 4 different content areas. Excluding the 2-3 hours in which I took a break for lunch&dinner&sanity, I spent nearly 12 hours working on it! Alas, it has been submitted, so I figure I might as well share them...and fyi, most ideas came from somewhere on the internet. There are totally smart and completely creative teachers out there with amaziiing ideas, so I'd like to say: thanks for helping me get (what better freaking be) an A on my exam!

Standard K-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of seasonal weather changes. (Earth Science)

K-4.1 Identify weather changes that occur from day to day.
K-4.2 Compare the weather patterns that occur from season to season.
K-4.3 Summarize ways that the seasons affect plants and animals.

Read a Related Book:
Reason for the Season, by Gail Gibbons
Weather Words, by Gail Gibbons

1. Record the daily weather on a bar chart (sunny, rainy, foggy, cold, etc.). Make predictions and analyze it (which weather have we had the most of? The least?)
2. Using a Velcro board, sort images into their appropriate seasonal category (ex: Bathing Suit - Summer, Orange Leaves - Fall, Snowman - Winter, Flowers - Spring).
3. In pairs, take turns being the Sun and Earth by physically rotating around one another to demonstrate how seasonal changes occur (pointed towards sun = heat, pointed away from sun = cold).
4. Given a seasonal prompt, select an object or article of clothing out of a box that is appropriate.
5. Observe the plants and animals on the school campus at various times of the year. Compare and contrast.
6. Use art materials to illustrate seasonal weather patterns (crayons, markers, cotton balls, etc.)
7. Listen to the Alpha Tunes CD, which contains weather themed songs, such as “Cool Clouds” and “Under the Umbrella”.
8. On a windy day, blow bubbles and use a compass to determine the direction in which they blow.

Howard Gardner: bodily-kinesthetic, verbal linguistic, naturalist, musical, visual spatial, logical-mathematical

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